January was a busy month for the All West Family and what better way to kick start a successful year than by learning?! Aside from several routine internal trainings, All West team members participated in a customized Complex Sales Training on January 13 – 16, 2020.

This Select Sires Sales Training Course was led by Joel Mergler, Select Sires Inc. Director of Global Training and King Smith, Select Sires Inc. Western U.S. Manager of Technical Services, who both have vast experience in sales training. They traveled to California with the goal of better preparing our team to face the challenges that come with today’s dairy industry environment.

As we are all aware, the dairy industry is rapidly changing and in order to stay relevant, we understand we must continually re-educate ourselves as to what our customers want and need to remain profitable. This requires our team to no longer simply be the delivery men and women of genetics, but to instead also provide further value-added services to dairy and beef operations.

In this course, team members were challenged to not only evaluate the changes that are taking place now, but also those that may occur in the next five, ten, and twenty years of the dairy industry in All West Territory. Joel and King also spent a significant amount of time teaching important lessons of professionalism and communication when servicing our customers.

The final day of training allowed technicians, sales representatives, and genetic specialists to work together in the ultimate teamwork scenario. Each group was given very realistic dairy herd information, including fictional characters who managed or worked for the dairy, their unique goals for the future of their farm, and even realistic dairy data as their herd records. All West employees then had to determine the areas of opportunity on the dairy and come to a conclusion with All West products, programs, or services that they would offer the dairy producer to maintain or improve their success.

Joel ended the training by asking each team member why they wake up to do the job that they do each day. Each participant’s “WHY” was not only acknowledged, but also physically written on a sticky note to hang somewhere where they will be reminded of their passion daily. “Your Success Our Passion” is not only a tagline, but a way of life in our business.

At the end of the All West Complex Sales Training, our team members walked away with helpful techniques to better serve you, our valued member/owners. To us, these educational trainings are worth the investment of time, money, and effort, knowing that you will gain a better customer experience as a result.

We thank Joel Mergler and King Smith for taking the time to share their knowledge and experiences with our team and to Select Sires Inc. for allowing us to use them as exceptional resources!

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