Select Sires adds twelve daughter-proven sires to the lineup following the April genetic evaluations. The graduating class is primarily Holstein but includes one Brown Swiss sire.

These exceptionally diverse Holstein graduates are sired by 10 different bulls, offering outcross pedigrees while maintaining elite genetic rank. Seven sires carry Select’s new CalvingPRO™ designation, including 7HO12600 MODESTY, 7HO12533 HOTSHOT and 7HO12450 AMBITION. Five new sires carry the FeedPRO® designation, designed for maximum feed efficiency and increased profit potential. FeedPRO sires include MODESTY, 7HO12412 SWAGGER, AMBITION, HOTSHOT and 7HO13250 JEDI.

Leading the graduating class are MODESTY and JEDI, whose daughter-proven data was much anticipated! These popular former Super Samplers™ received inaugural production proofs and are guaranteed to garner even more excitement after the August evaluations. Field reports indicate that MODESTY and JEDI daughters are developing nicely with fantastic udders with strong attachments.

Select’s April graduating class strengthens Select Sires’ already robust lineup of elite Net Merit (NM$) sires. Of the eleven Holstein graduates, seven sires are over +700 NM$. Leading this index listing is MODESTY (+927). Also standing in competitive positions among the top 20 are JEDI (+825), AMBITION (+823), 7HO12421 MILLINGTON (+740), SWAGGER (+738), HOTSHOT (+705) and 7HO13195 PROFIT (+701).

Production and components

7HO12387 MADRON proves to be an extreme milk bull (+2,056 Milk) with an outcross pedigree (11HO11274 Jackman x 7HO10848 GRAFEETI) for today’s breeding programs. Ten new proven sires transmit positive Fat and Protein percentages. Another new release, 7HO12326 LUIS, is a 7HO11314 MOGUL son and a leading Fat specialist at +0.20% and +90 Fat. Two more options to boost components include 7HO12436 PAT-RED (+0.05% P, +0.07% F) and PROFIT (+0.07% P, +0.02% F).

Healthy, trouble-free cows

As the industry strives for healthier cattle, our customer-owners can depend on Select Sires to offer exceptional choices for improving herd wellness and our group of graduates is a prime example. MODESTY ranks second in Select’s proven lineup for Dairy Wellness Profit Dollars® (DWP$®) at +906. Also among the top 20 sires for DWP$ are PROFIT (+832), 7HO12472 ALCO (+830), JEDI (+815), HOTSHOT (+771), LUIS (+771), SWAGGER (+763) and AMBITION (+761). Additionally, ALCO ranks third in Select’s lineup for Wellness Trait Dollars® (WT$®) (+169). With favorable mastitis resistance and low Somatic Cell Score (SCS) (2.66), this outcross sire will add trouble-free cows to your herd.

Producers seeing the value in trouble-free cows, will appreciate HOTSHOT and MADRON.  HOTSHOT is a 7HO11573 SHOTGLASS son from a Twist dam. He sires easy-to-breed cattle (+1.8 DPR) that are long-lived (+6.5 PL). MADRON ranks No. 2 among Select’s proven sires to lower SCS (2.56).

New Red leader

For Red & White enthusiasts, there’s a new leader in 7HO12436 PAT-RED. A Sympatico son from a Very Good (86) 7HO10904 COLT P-RED, PAT-RED is a high-ranking Red sire that will improve overall production and components. Ideal for use in a commercial dairy setting, PAT-RED strengthens udder attachments (+2.37 UDC) and moderates stature.

Unmatched fertility

Select Sires’ commitment to fertility is evident in this graduating class with five new proven sires greater than +1.5 for Sire Conception Rate (SCR). SWAGGER ranks very well for SCR at +2.4, along with JEDI (+2.1), MODESTY (+2.1), PAT-RED (+1.8) and ALCO (+1.8).

Brown Swiss

In addition to the 11 Holstein sires graduating into the proven lineup, Select Sires is excited to graduate 7BS872 TEQUILA. This Brown Swiss sire transmits impressive Milk yield (+946) and has type appeal with tremendous angularity. His dam and grandam are Excellent with Excellent mammary systems. TEQUILA also carries Select’s CalvingPRO™ designation.


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