What’s YOUR next step?

Contact your All West Representative and set up a complimentary Optimal Genetic Pathways Calculator (OGP) evaluation at your dairy! This yearly analysis also comes with value-added, quarterly adjustments for seasonal effects and reflection on previous month’s performances.

You know the questions…

• How many replacements do I need?
• Do I need to use beef semen?
• Which animals should I breed with sexed semen?
• Should I be using embryos?
• What if I want to expand?

“The Optimal Genetic Pathways calculator takes the eligible breeding population and allows the producer to strategically utilize the best genetics.  It determines the most profitable combinations of semen usage, including sexed, conventional, embryos, and/or beef, while making the number of  females needed to maintain the desired cow numbers. There has been a real need in the industry for a tool like this and our customers have had great success using this calculator to project profitable solutions.”
Greg Collins, Select Sires


All West is here to help.

For many of you, the answers to these questions are not easy to answer, especially considering that one answer could significantly impact many other areas of your dairy. Our highly-trained staff of OGP experts are using the industry’s most complete, most interactive, most efficient herd management calculator that does so much more than that. With OGP, your All West Representative can help you answer those tough questions, and immediately see how changes to any one part of your management plan can (and will!) impact other areas.

Step 1 – Develop Genetic Strategy – OGP will work with multiple herd management software programs including DairyComp 305 and DHI-Plus to get a starting point for your herd and divide your cattle according to specific breeding groups. Advantage – Your semen needs are accurately and easily identified, giving you greater control over the amount, and the type, of semen you’ll need.

Step 2 – Inventory Calculation Advantage – OGP spells out the cost of your genetic goals and makes it easy to understand. Factors taken into consideration include Calving Interval (CI), age of 1st calving, Do Not Breed (DNB), calf mortality, heifer calf percentage, number sold & died and more!

Step 3 – OGP can calculate the cost of producing a heifer  Advantage – Are you spending too much? Are you getting what you want from the elite genetic animals in your herd? This flexible system will let you see the variables included in this calculation – and allow you  to change/modify many factors to improve the bottom line.


Optimal Genetic Pathways 2021 Update

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