One our most popular Angus sires is a A A R Ten X 7008 S A son 7AN379.  There are lots of cattlemen pursuing this bull due to his numbers.

• 7AN379 ALL IN is the most popular ‘available’ son of Ten X today.

• Take a look at ALL IN’s EPD Profile—hard to write a better one! (AAA#: 17307074)

• ALL IN is a thick ended, wide based, high docility sire that is much cleaner through his sheath than nearly all Ten X cattle.

• ALL IN ranks in the Top 1% for CED and a BW of -0.7.  Being over $40 for $Weaning, this adds to ALL IN’s supremacy.

• At nearly $110 for $Beef and ALL IN is the #1 son of Ten X for Carcass Weight.

Bottom line- ALL IN is likely to be the most asked about young sire in the Select Sires Beef lineup this fall.

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