7AN738 RIVAL was a feature sire and a key acquisition during the 2022 season! As his first calf crop is being weaned, the calves are catching breeder’s attention. While he saw limited use that first season, his first calves are already ratioing 104 for WW. As we travel and talk to breeders and see progeny, everyone is impressed by the performance and phenotype RIVAL offers.

His offspring are exhibiting rapid early growth with stunning presence. One of 7AN528 GROWTH FUND’s highest profile sons, RIVAL will always be compared to his sire. At this point, RIVAL offers a cleaner, more elegant look, with a bit more frame and appears to have a sleeker, deeper black hair coat. Ryan Bodenhausen, Associate Vice President of Beef Product Development and Marketing

7AN738 E&B RIVAL 175

  • RIVAL is no doubt one f the most exciting and sought-after young sires to enter A.I. in 2022!
  • A son of the hottest sire in the breed, 7AN528 GROWTH FUND, RIVAL maintains great phenotype and growth but offers more carcass merit.
  • RIVAL’s actual scan ratios were extremely impressive, 232 IMF and 125 REA!
  • His dam already has a WW ratio of 2@111 and YW ratio of 2@110 and is well on her way to Pathfinder. His granddam and great granddam are both Pathfinders!


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