7HO10297 Foxberry Bax MCNUGGETS-ET is the No. 2 GTPI and Net Merit new release in the breed (behind OBSERVER) at +2151 and +$703, respectively. He has two brothers in the active lineup, 7HO9918 Foxberry JS MCFLY-ET (EX-91-GM) and 7HO10233 Foxberry Bax MIZZOU-ET (VG-88) with another member of the family, 7HO11853 Coyne-Farms Srock MACK-ET, released as a Super Samplerâ„¢ in April 2013. A HeathMark sire, he leads the Select Sires lineup for Productive Life (+7.4) and is No. 2 for Somatic Cell Score (SCS) (2.53). He transmits exceptional Fat (+75 Fat, +.14% Fat) with outstanding production (+1,038M). At +2.04 for Type, his daughters have high, wide rear udders and excellent feet and legs (+2.06 Feet and Leg Composite). MCNUGGETS also earns the Superior Settlerâ„¢ designation, perfect for the upcoming summer breeding season.

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