7HO10606 OBSERVERAccording to Jeff Ziegler, Dairy Sire Department, Select Sires, Inc.

Throughout my travels in 2013, I have had the privilege to view over 50 milking 7HO10606 OBSERVER daughters and the results are outstanding! OBSERVER has shown a very consistent breeding pattern, and the most consistent of all the traits is the mammary system! His daughters’ rear udders will flat out knock your socks off with their extreme height and width, deep center support, correct teat placement, and overall capacity for high volumes of milk while being carried with plenty of clearance above the hock. The OBSERVER daughters have snuggly attached fore udders and he seems to be great at shortening teat length. Once you are done appreciating the fabulous mammary systems, there are many other positives these daughters possess as well. The OBSERVER daughters are moderate size with extreme dairy frames that demonstrate their will-to-milk. I have also observed a very correct rump structure with nice slope from hooks to pins and great width throughout. When you get to the leg structure on the OBSERVER daughters, you will notice a little bit of set to the hock which comes from his sire, 7HO8081 PLANET, but they are very square tracking and fluid in their movement. OBSERVER will be a great cross on Shottle bloodlines and most cows that have great strength and power. Overall I have seen and heard great reports on OBSERVER and expect more positive results.

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