David Weststeyn is our newly elected All West/Select Sires District 22 Delegate. David is a third-generation dairy producer at BWC Weststeyn Dairy L.P. in Linden, California where he farms with his parents and his five siblings.

The dairy was founded by David’s grandfather in 1976, and was then taken over by his father and uncle who ran the operation until 2014. “Select Sires has deep roots in our herd’s history,” said David. “I still remember seeing the Select Sires truck in the yard when I was growing up.”

Today, the Weststeyn family milks 2,600 Holstein cows, half of those being registered, and 90 Jersey cows. They also farm approximately 1,000 acres and raise their own young stock, including Angus cross calves up to 450 pounds.

David is thankful for the generations who came before him, and thankful today that his family’s mindset is one of continuous learning and improvement. “The quality of bulls that Select Sires has in their lineup has kept us as a consistent customer over the years, supporting our desire to create an ever-improving herd. The criteria for the selection of bulls we use is always changing to make sure our herd continues to go in the right direction,” said David.   

“I look forward to meeting new people and learning from my peers as I serve as the District 22 Delegate,” said David. “I want to help keep dairy farmers going for the generations to come. The world needs to eat healthy food and we, as dairy producers, have an important job of helping to feed our world.”

David and his wife Natalie have been married for nine years. When they are not working, they enjoy exploring new local restaurants and eating delicious food.

Welcome to the team, Weststeyn Family!

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